Technology and media tree |
Q: Reflect on what you have learned in this course. How will you apply the
things that you have learned to your professional practice?
As I look back on the blog entries I have made this course I can see a progression of knowledge that will help me become a better eTeacher. Many of the lessons have direct applications that I can begin to use in my classroom.
As I look back on the blog entries I have made this course I can see a progression of knowledge that will help me become a better eTeacher. Many of the lessons have direct applications that I can begin to use in my classroom.
Week 1: Technology and Media
Week 2: Teacher Centered vs. Student Centered
Week 3: Roles of the eLearning Teacher
Week 4: What is Visual Literacy?
Technology is the hardware, software, and tools required to make the connection to students in the online world. (Smaldino p. 4) Media is the way you can communicate to and reach the students. Examples include text, audio, visuals, video, manipulatives, and people. (Smaldino p. 5)I can apply the media examples I learned about in this course to my teaching by incorporating more people and manipulatives in the way I teach. I think the addition of experts and more creative hands-on items will bring dividends to my teaching.
Week 2: Teacher Centered vs. Student Centered
In the student centered classroom the teachers role changes to a facilitator or mentor. The students are given the essential question but then must find the answers in a way that is meaningful for them. The learning must be authentic. Student must believe that the information they are gathering is relevant to their lives and community. Therefore, the essential questions should reflect concerns that the students can get behind and really strive to find answers. The teacher shall give direction and guidance to aid the student and point them in the right direction. In student centered learning, the student is an active learner. (Smaldino p. 71)I was trained in a teacher centered community but it is now a student centered world. Applying this to my classroom is very hard to do. As a traditional teacher, I have a hard time letting go of the practices I am comfortable with. Slowly I have been moving toward the student centered side of education and finding that the results are just as good and students seem to enjoy the change once they get used to it as well.
Week 3: Roles of the eLearning Teacher
The textbook mentions further differences between eLearning teachers and face to face teachers. Because the online learner is more often going to be self motivated to learn, the teacher will become a facilitator of learning rather than direct leader. Distance educators will be classroom monitors. keeping an eye on the activities of the students in order to make sure that no one is falling behind. It is also the online teacher's responsibility to organize the lessons to encourage interactivity and to guide students on how to act appropriately in the online environment. Lastly, distance education teachers provide two-way communication. (Smaldino p. 86)The true distance educator has a very different type of job than the traditional teacher. Knowing what I do now, I can apply this to my Virtual Classroom and expect my students to realize that working in the virtual environment will require them to be more self sufficient learners as well. The role of distance teachers is more advisor and not information giver.
Week 4: What is Visual Literacy?
"Visual media design, development, and production; digital creation; and Web design and development all utilize critical thinking skills and can enhance students' abilities to learn, exhibit their learning, work, and succeed in an increasingly visual world." (Smaldino p.137)Skills that are needed in the increasingly digital world will rely on students abilities to be literate and able to function in a visual world. I can apply this knowledge by adding more training and practice in visual creation programs and symbolism in general. This will aid my students in encoding and decoding visual basic skills.
Week 5: Instructional Materials and Media for eLearning
Manipulatives also are instructional aides that can be used in the eLearning environment. In the distance learning environment a manipulative is anything the student can exercise control over in the way of a simulation, game, or constructive creation. A beneficial type of manipulative webware is called Diorama Designer, Globster or Wordle and allows the student the freedom to create visual dioramas and collages that can be used as assignments or assessments. (Smaldino p.196)I must say that my most favorite section of this course was learning about these types of programs that I can use immediately in my classroom. The function and ease of using Wordle is becoming a go to program for me to use with my students. I love to use this as an alternative to the standard vocabulary definitions assignment.
Week 6: Reaching the Student Through Technology
The instructor of a K-12 learning environment can use instructional technology and media to help reach all kinds of learning styles and preferences in distance-learning.I have always tried to include each learning style in the way I teach my students. However, I was pleased to find out a few new things I can do that include technology in the mix. I had never thought of using podcasts as a way of reaching the audio student. This is something I will apply in the upcoming school year.
Week 7: Challenges to Using video Media
One of the largest time consuming challenges that a teacher will face when selecting video for the classroom is previewing the video in order to select short segments that are content related instead of showing the entire video. Video segments should be between 8 to 12 minutes at any one time and shorter for younger students. (Smaldino p. 246)Finally, this passage reminds me that to be a good distance learning teacher I will have to put in the extra time to edit and hone the media resources I use. I can already apply this to my professional career knowing that each time I use instructional media I want to engage the student and not put them to sleep. Short concentrated bursts of media work better than a long entertaining video that has a thimble full of content.
My reflection of this course has been beneficial. It has given me many tools and resources to ponder and integrate into my classroom. My ultimate goal is to design a "good" working virtual classroom that is meaningful and relevant for my students. The virtual classroom will be an extension of my regular classroom and I hope the two work together hand in hand. In this class I have created blogs, podcast, and even produced a video instructional segment for my classroom. I may not have had these experiences if not for this class. If I apply these activities with my students, and they feel as accomplished as I do now, then they will feel incredible about themselves as they continue onward in this digital world.
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